Invincible Blog

Barcelona: dieciséis y diecisiete

Barcelona: dieciséis y diecisiete

It hurt really bad.

Yesterday was one of the coolest and worst days I've had in weeks. I ended things with A. We're just friends. I feel like we just met at a very inopportune time for both of us. I think we will meet again at some point in our lives.

We ate probably one of the best pizzas I've ever eaten then A. suggested to rent a bike for me, so I could join him for a bike ride at night through Barcelona and the beach. No need to tell how magical it felt.

...and how surreal felt telling him that I don't want to be physically close to him anymore. And how one part of me craved him saying that he fell for me and he didn't want to end this. Of course, he didn't say that. He is afraid of me disappearing from his life. We are still friends.

I gave him to read the story I wrote. He liked it. He asked me how much of the story is true. I told him that everything is true. It was my childhood.

Today I went to Tibidao. The church on the hill that you can see from everywhere in Barcelona. It was a nice hiking trail.
