Invincible Blog

Barcelona: day tres

Barcelona: day tres

I left my hostel on Sunday and went back on Monday morning.

Somehow it was particularly symbolic that I was right outside his office without knowing it. And the fact that the book I was reading told me that

'...Odenigbo has done what all men do and has inserted his penis in the first hole he could find when you were away. Does that mean somebody died?'

And after that:

'When your uncle first married me, I worried because I thought those women outside would come and displace me from my home. I now know that nothing he does will make my life change. My life will change only if I want it to change.'

As I was reading these lines, the sun began to set and it got colder. I started shivering, and he was just about to come up. And he rode up on his bike. And we saw each other. And we hugged. And he was going for a kiss?? I was filled with very conflicting emotions, and I thought it was not good that I was back at his house again. But again, why? Parallel to the dialogue with him, I had a dialogue in my head, where I managed to shut up that voice that said it was a bad plan. It's only bad because I'm afraid I'm going to get really hurt again. But how bad can it hurt though? I'll cry for the next six months and life will go on. So of course it was a great plan. I missed it so much.

Imgur first hug after not seeing each other for 3 months, Poble Nou, 2023
